On 25.02.25, Oliver Völckers and Daniel Houben shared their experiences of the DB Mindbox 100-day programme with the three startups Telekinesis, Callios and Innomatik:
How did the 100 days go for us?
When we started at the beginning of 2020, we were surprised by the pandemic. Suddenly, we were no longer allowed to meet in closed rooms and had to change all our plans.
What was the aim of our wastewater monitoring proof of concept?
We were to build a sensor with electronics and software that could check the emptying of the ICE waste water tanks and identify faults. We succeeded in doing this.
What challenges did we face?
There is a wide range of flow sensors for liquids, but detecting the movement of wastewater in hoses with air (foam), liquids and solids is particularly difficult. The end of a movement can mean a blockage or an empty tank - we need to be able to reliably distinguish between the two.
What is BeST SENSOR doing today?
We have developed the technology from a single sensor into a system, continue to work with Deutsche Bahn and have developed other applications in parallel, see our website bestsensor.de
Thanks to the Deutsche Bahn Mindbox team for these exciting discussions

Location: DB Mindbox in the S-Bahnhof Jannowitzbrücke, Holzmarktstraße 6-9
10179 Berlin, Germany